Transfer to an entrepreneurial group present in the residential construction sector of the entire capital of a real estate company that owns commercial properties including appurtenant areas located in the Municipality of Milan.
Undertaken Activities
  • Assistance for the formalization of preliminary agreements and the definition of the request for a price deemed appropriate on the basis of the economic and commercial elements of the real estate assets subject to the negotiation;
  • Assistance in Due Diligence activities carried out by counterparty professionals appointed by the Investors;
  • Representation of the Client in the commercial negotiation phases between the parties;
  • Drafting and finalization of contractual agreements in consultation with the Legal Office appointed by the Investor;
  • Assistance in the finalization phase of the resulting corporate transactions..


The operation was concluded with a more than satisfactory result on the part of our Customers who obtained and collected the consideration they had initially agreed to without granting reductions or extensions as requested by the Counterparty during the negotiations.

Tolal Value of the Case

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Transfer to an entrepreneurial group present in the residential construction sector of the entire capital of a real estate company that owns commercial properties including appurtenant areas located in the Municipality of Milan.

Undertaken Activities
  • Assistance for the formalization of preliminary agreements and the definition of the request for a price deemed appropriate on the basis of the economic and commercial elements of the real estate assets subject to the negotiation;

  • Assistance in Due Diligence activities carried out by counterparty professionals appointed by the Investors;

  • •Representation of the Client in the commercial negotiation phases between the parties;

  • Drafting and finalization of contractual agreements in consultation with the Legal Office appointed by the Investor:

  • •Assistance in the finalization phase of the resulting corporate transactions.

The operation was concluded with a more than satisfactory result on the part of our Customers who obtained and collected the consideration they had initially agreed to without granting reductions or extensions as requested by the Counterparty during the negotiations.
Total Value of the Case

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